23 December 2005
Take a survey
What would you say if someone stopped you in the street and asked
"Which company would you like to run Iraq?" Richard Hay did just that in Nottingham UK,around the time of the Iraq elections.
Read More... 23 December 2005
Nestle Christmas Hit
News got to us that a certain ‘someone' attended an Arts Council Christmas event at a posh venue in London. They noted that there was a table of Nestle senior managers nearby also having a Christmas ‘do’. That someone cleverly identified the Nestle CEO, put salt and pepper in his drink when he wasn’t looking and ‘accidentally’ spilt her drink all down him on the dance floor.
On the subject of Fat Cats, Bjane demonstrates Nestle are being a bit more honest about their motives with their new range of Fat-Kat bars.
Read More... 30 June 2005
“Out in the Wild West, there is a place where the deer still play and buffalo roam free, best of all, it's only a ten minute cycle ride from Derby city centre.”
Critical-California dreamed of fostering conversations and developing a network of cyclists for creative resistance.
Click for the report
Read More... 21 May 2005
Boomerang Knickers.
Oh my god the fucking Americans and fucking Brits are fucking up the fucking planet, is this happening simultaneously with other things? My Dads Strip Club teams up with Breathingplanet at PERF05 to report back.
Read More...14 May 2005

Yee gads... as Eurovision gets nearer, Dedomenici and Taggart tackle Finnish Karaoke and 70's disco dancing at Art Contact held in Forum Box with a video update on recent performances in Finland including Crazy Day at Stockmanns, live-art Cluedo at Huoneistokeskus and Unattended Baggage at Helsinki train station.

19.00 -22.00
Art Contact 2005
Forum Box
Ruoholahdenranta 3a