10 September 2009
Too Tasty Nights in Deptford, London.

7.15pm Thursday 17 September 2009
Deptford Deli, Tanners Hill, London SE8
Mixing our politics with coal dust and posh cake.
7pm Friday 18 September 2009
The Albany, Douglas Way, London SE8
Eat your dinner as the drawings unfold with a bit backchat from the coalfields about the art of greenwashing.
Booking essential www.tastydinersclub.com
Read More... 28 May 2009
An evening of Climate Chaos
Cafebar, Toynbee Studios, 28 Commercial St, London, E1 6AB
7.30 - 9pm Thursday 18 June 2008
Hair conditioning.The dog.We salivate. The sick woman denies the real value of it all.As the Titanic sails by the laughing mouths promise us bigger and better.
Drop by the cafe as we try to draw ourselves out of climate chaos.
Read More... 05 February 2009
Following reports in The Telegraph this week that UK Police forces have spent more than £20,000 on cardboard cut-outs of uniformed officers Office Of Community Sousveillance has responded with its own PCSnOw WATCH officers placed around Nottingham city. “At a fraction of the cost we can create the impression at first glance of a ‘visible presence’ being on duty, which hopefully also reduces the perception of fear of crime.” claims Officer Rob O’Copp.

According to The Telegraph newspaper, Police figures show that forces across the country have spent more than £20,000 on the flat-pack PCs. West Midlands police said it had ordered 80 cardboard constables at a cost of just over £10,000. In Derbyshire, £6,650 was spent over the past two years on a "substantial number" of cut-outs.
Read More... 07 January 2009
Public Information Notice
From The Office of Community Sousveillance

The Office is interested in playfully and creatively engaging with concerned individuals to interact and comment on government initiatives relating to surveillance, control and policing. The Office of Community Sousveillance is based in a yellow and white caravan which will be patrolling hotspots around the city of Nottingham UK during the period of 14-18 January 2009.