Start praying children
23 December 2008

Not only has Rev Billy has been banned from every Starbucks in the world, he's also been jailed for going into such a hellhole. Time for all of us to get some bad Elvis hair, a white collar, white jacket and enter that Starbucks store in solidarity. Some good news, we’re looking forward to meeting up with the Rev Billy and choir members of The Church of Stop Shopping in the spring.They will be in England for a 2 week tour in May 2009. If you can’t wait till then, you might want to check Bill’s pulpit podcasts. So go and sing out loud
Hallelujah! Feel the Spirit!
The Church of Stop Shopping is an activist performance group based in New York City, led by Reverend Billy, the stage name of Bill Talen. Using the form of a revival meeting, on sidewalks and in chain stores, Reverend Billy and his gospel choir exhort consumers to abandon the products of large corporations and mass media; the group also preaches a broader message of economic justice, environmental protection, and anti-militarism, protesting sweatshops and the Iraq War. Though it continues its street theatre activities, the Church has also appeared on stage and has toured internationally.